Vision and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

At St. Mary's, we teach children about fundamental British Values (see below) but we also have a set of Christian Values, which are at the heart of all we do.

Our Vision

Our Vision is summed up in the words of Jesus in John 10:10 :

'I came to give life - life in all its fullness.'

We want every one of the pupils at St. Mary's to enjoy the richest and most varied of experiences in their time with us - 'life in all its fullness' - preparing them to go out into the wider world and embrace all that is on offer to them there, too.

The Value that best encapsulates all that we wish for our pupils is - Joy. This is the value we return to throughout the year; our main objective that pervades all that we do.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is 'Through Jesus, we love, learn and grow.' and it is represented visually in our school badge (above.) 

  • The cross represents our faith in God;

  • The tree represents growth - as we grow physically, academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually;

  • The leaves are heart-shaped, representing our love for God and for other people, demonstrating our sense of responsibility as global citizens;

  • The book is both a Bible, representing how we are rooted,in our Christian beliefs and also every book, representing our fundamental love of learning

We sign and say our Mission Statement at the beginning of every Worship and Assembly.

We also sign our school prayer, which you can find below.

Our Christian Values

As society evolves, so we as a school like to evolve. We never want to stand still or become set in our ways. As a result, we have recently reviewed our Christian Values and, following input from children, staff, parents, governors and Father Jordan (our local rector) we have developed a new set. Each one is underpinned by a carefully-chosen Bible reading. Please see the separate document (below) for more details.