School Uniform

​Purple cardigan or v-neck sweatshirt with logo

Jade green polo shirt with or without logo

Official, bespoke checked grey skirt or pinafore

Charcoal grey trousers or shorts

Lilac/purple checked summer dress (optional)

Black shoes (no trainers or boots)

Charcoal/ dark grey socks

Charcoal/ dark grey tights (not with summer dresses)

White socks are permitted when worn with summer dresses

Jewellery is not permitted, including earrings and watches

Long hair must be tied back with minimal, plain accessories in the school colours (purple or jade.)

PE Kit

Coloured ‘House’ T-shirt

Navy shorts (not cycling shorts)

Black PE pumps (velcro preferably for infants)

Black/ navy tracksuit bottoms during cold weather

Please note:

Any item of uniform can be worn at any time of year but, for obvious reasons, shorts and summer dresses tend mostly to be worn during the Summer Term.

Shopping for Uniform

All uniform items can be purchased from Badgers of Heskin.
You can contact them by phone on:  01257 786887
or email :
You can visit their website at
or visit in person at:

The Badgers Den
Swift House Farm
Bentley Lane

Bespoke items

The school jumper/ cardigan with the logo, the bespoke pinafore/ skirt and the PE t-shirts are unique to us at St. Mary's and can only be purchased from Badgers.

Other items

All other items of  uniform are available at Badgers but can also be purchased from other suppliers, such as supermarkets. Please ensure that you buy the correct shade of each item, though eg jade green shirts as opposed to bottle green; dark grey (charcoal) rather than light grey trousers etc

Second-hand uniform and help to buy

We are only too aware that buying uniform can be an expensive business. We are therefore very grateful to our PTFA who run termly second-hand uniform sales in school. We also have a fund to help buy uniform for families who might be struggling financially.

Reasonable adjustments

We would be more than happy to discuss adaptations to our uniform policy for reasons of religious or cultural observance.


We encourage all our children to look smart in order to create the right ethos for learning.

Please help us to maintain high standards by ensuring that your child dresses appropriately for school.